Presentation of MA works

Presentation of projects by students in MA programmes at ALUO and FH JOANNEUM

Opening: Tuesday, 1 June 2010, 20:00

New Media Object

, 10 interactive panoramas, collaborative creations of students from ALUO, FH JOANNEUM and FRI.


, projects by MA students of Media and Interaction Design at FH JOANNEUM

During their third semester, the students questioned how they defined themselves behind the computer and worked in groups of 3 to design and test six media installations based in different experimental technologies. Projects include a Flash-based multitouch table; a physical computing platform known as Arduinos boards; wireless puppets that act as alter egos; an augmented reality vacuum cleaner prototype using marker-tracking and 3D Worlds made in Pure Data; and an interactive storytelling screen that tracks the visitor’s movements and responds with strange noises and funny animations.


Presentation of projects by MA students at ALUO

The Department for Video and New Media at ALUO will present two works: HCI GRAPHIC, an interactive installation by Klemen Gorup, produced in cooperation with FRI, which enables a visitor to create one’s own animation in realtime; and Digital Portrait, an interactive installation by Joanne Zajac-Slapničar which exports portraits generated from photographs of participants and collected data.

Presentation of projects by students in MA programmes at ALUO