The Fog of Systems

Bani Brusadin

Thursday, 9 September 2021 at 11 AM

This talk introduces the 37th issue of the PostScriptUM series with an essay by Barcelona-based curator, researcher and educator Bani Brusadin titled The Fog of Systems. Art as Reorientation and Resistance in a Planetary-Scale System Disposed Towards Invisibility.

In the text Brusadin illustrates how something increasingly valuable is happening in, in-between and beyond infra-structures, as humans design and inhabit them in ever more convoluted ways, emoting, measuring, automating, building worlds and futures. He does so by walking us through artistic methodologies that map, tour, stage, dissect, tell, visualize or embody the composite networked structure we sometimes call our Society, sometimes the Internet, and sometimes Planet Earth.

The essay is available as e-brochure, Print on Demand or a special edition: traditional print in paperback format.

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