Dust & Illusions – 30 let zgodovine festivala Burning Man

Olivier Bonin
Oliver Bonin
Dust & Illusions – 30 let zgodovine festivala Burning Man

Enkratna projekcija / Slovenska premiera
Četrtek, 26. februar 2015, ob 20. uri
Stara mestna elektrarna, Ljubljana

Jezik: angleščina s slovenskimi podanpisi

V okviru cikla filmskih projekcij Akcija! in programa Masters & Servers

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Dokumentarni film Dust & Illusions Oliviera Bonina raziskuje tridesetletno zgodovino FESTIVALA BURNING MAN. Burning Man je vsakoletni enotedenski dogodek, ki se je začel sredi osemdesetih let na Baker Beachu v San Franciscu in se nato preselil v puščavo Black Rock v severni Nevadi. Ime je dobil po obrednem sežigu ogromne lesene lutke. Dogodek opisujejo kot eksperiment na področju skupnosti, umetnost, radikalno samoizražanje in radikalno zaupanje vase, velja pa za največji kulturno-umetniški dogodek v Severni Ameriki. Film raziskuje ta neizbežni in eksplozivni razvoj iz odpadniškega duha sedemdesetih let v San Franciscu v večmilijonski posel, kar je ta dogodek danes.

Dust and Illusions je edini omembe vreden dokumentarni film o festivalu Burning Man. Ostali so v večini primerov vase zagledane, utopične zadeve.

Projekcija v Stari mestni elektrarni je slovenskemu občinstvu predstavila vsebine, o katerih je John Law, eden od ustanoviteljev festivala Burning Man, predaval v okviru seminarja Omrežne motnje (Networked Disruption), ki je potekal marca v Kinu Šiška.


Olivier Bonin was born in France and holds an engineering degree in microelectronics. He showed an early interest in photography and film. He studied photography in San Francisco, where he found his way into filmmaking. Starting with short fictions, he quickly found a perfect symbiosis between his interest and knowledge in social movements and documentary filmmaking. When he attended the Burning Man festival, he knew he had found a great subject combining film photography in such a beautiful environment with a complicated human story about community building.

John Law (USA) was one of the founders of the Cacophony Society in 1986. Emerging from the ashes of the mysterious and legendary Suicide Club, the Cacophony Society was an informal, unclassifiable group of anonymous people who spent their time exploring the boundaries of a conformist society, and occasionally crashing them. They sought imagination, adventure and mutual trust beyond the pale of those provided by mainstream society: that involved playful ways of disrupting propaganda, mocking respected symbols (like in their infamous Santarchy, an invasion of rebellious Santas), exploring forbidden urban space (from sewers to bridges), rebuilding freedom through mayhem, confusion, dangerous operation and sometimes just outright madness. Mostly harmless, often illegal, always fun.


Avtor: Oliver Bonin

Produkcija dogodka:
Aksioma – Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, Ljubljana, v sodelovanju s Kinom ŠiškaAuthor: Oliver Bonin

Stara mestna elektrarna Ljubljana

Dogodek je izveden v okviru projekta Masters & Servers, ki ga izvajajo Aksioma (SI), Drugo more (HR), AND (VB), Link Art Center (IT) and d-i-n-a / The Influencers (ŠP).

Izvedba tega projekta je financirana s strani Evropske komisije. Vsebina komunikacije je izključno odgovornost avtorja in v nobenem primeru ne predstavlja stališč Evropske komisije.

Finančna podpora: Program Evropske unije Ustvarjalna Evropa, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana.

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