Scale | Ep.#5: Reality as a Scalar Effect [w/ Jussi Parikka]
To complexify the notion of scale and to expand it, both historically and beyond human perception, allows us to think about scale within different academic, design and artistic vocabularies. Writer and professor in Digital Aesthetics and Culture at Aarhus University, as well as visiting professor at FAMU (Prague) and Winchester School of Art (UK) Jussi Parikka has extensively researched the cultural histories and archaeologies of media and has, over the past years, focused even more on environmental media. In a recent text for Aksioma, he has addressed scale as the middle of a meddling bundle of forces, showing that the concrete techniques in which scale comes to existence and functions are ontogenetic, i.e. they bring worlds into existence. That’s why scale is inherently entwined with power and politics in very detailed ways, which is something he addresses in his recently published book Operational Images as well as in the slightly earlier co-edited volume in Photography Off the Scale. This fifth episode marks the culmination of the series: it is an intriguing dialogue aimed at reframing the concept of scale and at connecting all the insights and perspectives discussed in the previous episodes.
Suggested content:
[Essay] There is Plenty of Room in the Simulation by Jussi Parikka, PostScriptUM #45, 2023
[Book] Operational Images – From the Visual to the Invisual, Jussi Parikka, University of Minnesota Press, 2023
[Book] Photography Off the Scale – Technologies and Theories of the Mass Image, Dvořák T. and Parikka J. (Eds.), University of Minnesota Press, 2023
Host: Neja Berger
Guest: Jussi Parikka
Recording and editing: Neja Berger
Audio Mix: Staš Kramar
Music: Gašper Torkar
Scale podcast series
Curated by Janez Fakin Janša
Produced by Marcela Okretič
for Tactics&Practice#14: Scale
Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art
Ljubljana, 2023
Part of
konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
The project konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art was chosen on the public call for the selection of the operations “Network of Investigative Art and Culture Centres”. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.