A Short Incomplete History of Technologies That Scale

Asia Bazdyrieva, Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, Anthony Downey, FRAUD (Audrey Samson, Francisco Gallardo), Chris Lee, Jussi Parikka, Laura Tripaldi

Price: 18€
Langugage: English

The word scale is tricky. It invites many definitions, orientations and connections to ourselves, our surroundings and our tools. However, to think of scale as solely technical is reductive and omits the relations, feelings and beliefs that come with such measurements and images. In this book, eight authors come together to challenge our conventions and understanding of scale as grounded in the human. In their texts, Asia Bazdyrieva, Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, Anthony Downey, FRAUD (Audrey Samson & Francisco Gallardo), Chris Lee, Jussi Parikka and Laura Tripaldi expand our understanding of scale to the more-than-human, trace its movements and frictions through histories, and question the way scale generates political power. Demonstrating how we can think with scale, they introduce us to scalar thinking, its urgency in our socio-technical present and its potential for making new maps, new representations and new kinds of measurements.

A Short Incomplete History of Technologies That Scale is a joint publication by Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, and transmediale in Berlin. The publication reflects back the shared theme of transmediale’s 2023 festival edition a model, a map, a fiction and of Aksioma’s programme Tactics&Practice #14: Scale and came together from a common desire to think collectively about how measurements and maps create both politics and feelings in the world.

EN | 10.5 x 16.7 cm | 144 pp | B/W | soft cover | 2023
ISBN 978-961-7173-40-6 (Aksioma)


A Short Incomplete History of Technologies That Scale
Contributors: Asia Bazdyrieva, Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, Anthony Downey, FRAUD (Audrey Samson and Francisco Gallardo), Chris Lee, Jussi Parikka, Laura Tripaldi

Editors: Nóra Ó Murchú, Janez Fakin Janša

Editorial assistants: Anna-Lena Panter, Rok Kranjc
Copyediting: Miha Šuštar, Pip Hare
Design and layout: Federico Antonini, Simone Cavallin
Print: Collegium Graphicum
No. of copies: 1000

Promotion and distribution: Sonja Grdina

All texts originally published online as part of the transmediale journal were edited by Elise Misao Hunchuck. All texts originally published in the Aksioma’s essay series PostScriptUM were edited by Janez Fakin Janša.

Published by: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Represented by: Marcela Okretič


transmediale e.V., Berlin
Represented by: Filippo Gianetta

Supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.

Ljubljana, November 2023

Related event: Tactics & Practice #14: Scale

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