The catalogue of the exhibition Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and Business curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and presented in spring 2015 at Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka. The exhibition involved actors who directly engage with hacktivism, art, civil liberties and social networking to expose the contradictions of capitalistic logics and power systems and operate at the convergence of business and art, becoming key to unleashing the paradoxes of the social networking phenomenon. In the business world, a disruption is an unexpected innovation that comes from within the market itself. In the art and activist field, disruption means to generate unpredictable practices and interventions which play within the systems under scrutiny. Nowadays even business is adopting hacker and artistic strategies of disruption, what is the response given by artists and hackers?
Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and Business
Language: English
Catalogue of the exhibition curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli
(Ljubljana / Rijeka, 2015)
Edited by Janez Janša
Texts: Tatiana Bazzichelli and the artists
Publisher: Aksioma − Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana 2015
Issued in partnership with Abandon Normal Devices, Manchester
In the frame of Masters&Servers.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Proofreading: Jana Renée Wilcoxen
Design and layout: Luka Umek
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 Unported License except if otherwise stated.
Exceptions include photographs, trademarks, logos and other identifying marks. Photographs, trademarks,logos and other identifying marks may not be reused or redistributed without prior licensing and written consent from the authors.
Extracts from Tatiana Bazzichelli’s book Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking previously published by DARC Press, The Digital Aesthetics Research Centre of Aarhus University, 2013. Copyright 2013 Tatiana Bazzichelli. License: This text is licensed under the Peer Production License (2013). Commercial use encouraged for Independent and Collective/Commonbased users. To view a full copy of this license, see page 44 of The Telekommunist Manifesto by Dmytri Kleiner (2010): http://telekommunisten.net/the-telekommunist-manifesto/
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