I saw the Blockchain at the End of The World, turned around, and walked back

Jaya Klara Brekke


A mysterious and controversial technology is among us: the blockchain. Constructed by unicorns piecing together the necessary building blocks of code, cryptography and incentives, it can lead humankind to Utopia, or to the Final Solution – the End. If it’s true that “It Is Easier To Imagine The End Of The World Than The End Of Capitalism,” as a popular bumper sticker warns, the artist Jaya Klara Brekke, currently pursuing a PhD on the political geographies of blockchain infrastructures, invites us to come back from elsewhere in the future to stay here and now, and not to fear indeterminacy.
Written on the occasion of the New World Order group exhibition curated by Ruth Catlow & Marc Garrett / Furtherfield, this homage to the here and now reminds us that we are the ones who are building the future, maybe one automated and run by AI, but we will never be able to predict it.


Jaya Klara Brekke: I saw the Blockchain at the End of The World, turned around, and walked back
PostScriptUM #31
Series edited by Janez Janša
Language: English

Publisher: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Represented by: Marcela Okretič
Proofreading: Philip Jan Nagel
Design: Luka Umek
Layout: Sonja Grdina
All images courtesy of the artist.
(c) Aksioma | Text and image copyrights by authors | Ljubljana 2018
Printed and distributed by: Lulu.com | www.lulu.com
In the framework of State Machines | www.statemachines.eu
Supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.

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