In it for the lulz

Domenico Quaranta


“What the Internet stood for, for a long time, is something that I’m still nostalgically supporting,” said Constant Dullaart in an interview. The Dutch artist, lecturer and curator grew up in an age of the Internet “designed to be used by everyone”. In its first years, the Internet proved to be the place of warm, authentic relationships, the place where one looked for friends, not followers, and where one engaged in peer-to-peer discussions, not in simply adding a number to a stack. Now we work in corporate backyards and, especially in social network environments, we are very easily and almost inadvertently drawn to care more about numbers than people, and to commodify ourselves, our friends and the contents we produce. “Dullaart’s projects,” says the art critic Domenico Quaranta in this essay, “can be only understood as actions within a system, responding to something and waiting for a response, showing that we could invert this trend if we really wanted to.”


Domenico Quaranta: In it for the lulz
PostScriptUM #25
Series edited by Janez Janša
Language: English
Publisher: Aksioma – Institiute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Represented by: Marcela Okretič
Proofreading: Philip Jan Nagel
Design: Luka Umek
Layout: Sonja Grdina
(c) Aksioma | Text and image copyrights by authors | Ljubljana 2016
Printed and distributed by:
In the framework of Masters & Servers
Supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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