Daydreams, Playable Nightmares and Out-of-Body Journeys

Valentina Tanni, Silvia Dal Dosso

Can thought aka theory be as fast and up-to-date as reality itself? Perhaps not, but this conversation between Valentina Tanni and Silvia Dal Dosso about internet aesthetics (and, inevitably, ethics) comes as close to it as possible. What are “landscapes beyond the threshold”, why a suffix is more #core than a prefix and how dark has hivemind become in the meantime? Hell, let’s just call it Applied Post-Ballardianism – “we all went to the same pool”, after all.

Valentina Tanni is an art historian and curator. She is interested in the relationship between art and technology, with a special focus on internet cultures.

Silvia Dal Dosso is an artist, creative director and researcher in the field of digital technologies and web subcultures. She is one of the co-founders of the Clusterduck collective.


Valentina Tanni, Silvia Dal Dosso
Daydreams, Playable Nightmares and Out-of-Body Journeys

Original title: Sogni a occhi aperti, incubi giocabili e viaggi fuori dal corpo

PostScriptUM #50
Series edited by Janez Fakin Janša

Publisher: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Represented by: Marcela Okretič

Translation into English: Marko Bauer
Proofreading: Miha Šuštar
Design: Federico Antonini
Cover image: KIDD Gorgeous, Poggers Playground, 2022

©  Aksioma | All text and image rights reserved by the author
Ljubljana, April 2024

Published in the frame of the project .expub funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Additionally supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.

Originally published online in Italian by NERO–Not in March 2024.

Related event: Internet Aesthetics: A Journey Beyond the Threshold

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