The Return of the Dead Author

Aude Launay


In her most recent research project – which culminated in the exhibition Uncertainty-in-the-Loop (2020) – the Slovenian artist Sanela Jahić presented a further stage of her multiyear project. She converted her labour as an artist – her work, research and interests of the past 14 years – into data. The dataset was elaborated by a predictive algorithm that predicted her next artwork.
The independent art theoretician and curator Aude Launay placed Jahić’s work amongst works that question the concept of authorship, as she questions whether the predictive algorithms used by her can be considered to be the author of the new artworks. Since they proceed from the past, predictive algorithms can be related to the figure of the aoidos, the classical Greek oral epic poet who both repeated the song as well as invented it while singing. On the deeper side, the issue focuses on the definition of what is authored: what makes something the product of a specific authorship process?


Aude Launay: The Return of the Dead Author
PostScriptUM #34
Series edited by Janez Janša
Language: English
Publisher: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Represented by: Marcela Okretič
Proofreading: Sunčan Stone
Design: Luka Umek
Layout: Sonja Grdina
(c) Aksioma | All text and image rights reserved by the author | Ljubljana 2020
Printed and distributed by: |
Realised within the framework of the Hyperemployment – Post-work, Online Labour and Automation programme, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana, and within the Dopolavoro flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture project, led by Drugo More and supported by the City of Rijeka – Department of Culture and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.

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